Nicolas Jouandeau

Professeur des Universités

Université Paris 8 - LIASD
Département PIF
2, rue de la Liberté - 93526 Saint-Denis Cedex 02 - FRANCE

Tél : (+33) 1 49 40 64 97 
Bureau : A184
E-mail :  OR  OR

Interests :

Desktop :

For You :

Artificial Intelligence
Game Search
Machine Learning
Parallel Computing
Computer games with complete, incomplete and/or imperfect information
Parallel tree seach and GPU computing
Active, transfer, reinforcement Learning
Bioinformatic computation

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Programmation fonctionnelle (Racket)
Programmation fonctionnelle avancée (OCaml)
IA pour les jeux
Programmation logique

Publications sur DBLP
Publications sur Google scholar

Program committee member / Reviewer :

2025 : ICAART.
2023 : IEEE-CoG, ACG.
2022 : AAAI, Elsevier-COMPAG, Elsevier-CHEMOLAB, Elsevier-ENTCOM, ICGA journal, IEEE-CoG, CG.
2021 : AAAI, ACG, EPIA, Elsevier-ENTCOM.
2019 : IJCAI, ACG, IEEE-RIVF, EPIA, Elsevier-AIM.
2016 : IJCAI, IJCAI-CGW, AAMAS, ICGA journal, Elsevier-TCS, Elsevier-Engineering, Cambridge-KER, MDPI, IJARS, IJAEI.

Journals/Conferences/Workshops/Publications/Patents sorted by years :

98- Decoding Molecular Language Model with Beam Search, S. Obonyo, N. Jouandeau and D. Owuor,
Workshop on ML for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (ML4CCE) at European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Vilnius, Lithuania, pages 1--18 (ECML-PKDD-2024) pdf

97- RNA Generative Modeling With Tree Search, S. Obonyo, N. Jouandeau and D. Owuor,
IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Natal, Brazil, pages 1--9 (IEEE-CIBCB-2024) pdf

96- Self‐Playing RNA Inverse Folding, S. Obonyo, N. Jouandeau and D. Owuor,
Springer Nature Computer Science, 5(4), 403, pp. 1--17. pdf

95- RetroG : Retrosynthetic Planning with Tree Search and Graph Learning, S. Obonyo, N. Jouandeau and D. Owuor,
Machine Learning for Drug Discovery Workshop (MLDD) at International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), pages 1--12 (ICLR-MLDD-2023). pdf

94- Designing RNA Sequences By Self-play, S. Obonyo, N. Jouandeau and D. Owuor,
14th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications, pp. 1--8, Best Student Paper Award Winner, SciTePress, (NCTA-2022). pdf

93- Parallel construction of Random Forest on GPU, K. Senagi and N. Jouandeau,
Journal of Supercomputing, Springer, pp. 1--21 (2022). pdf

92- Homogeneous Transfer Active Learning for Time Series Classification, P. Gikunda and N. Jouandeau,
20th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, Pasadena, California, IEEE, pp. 1-12 (ICMLA-2021). pdf

91- Sample-Label View Transfer Active Learning for Time Series Classification, P. Gikunda and N. Jouandeau,
30th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Bratislava, Springer-LNCS, pp. 1--12 (ICANN-2021). pdf

90- Static protocol for multiclass SVM classification of hand grasping movements, A. Krasnobrizha, O. Polit, E. Valot, L. Gallimard and N. Jouandeau,
11ème conférence nationale pour l'autonomie et la qualité de vie des personnes en situation de handicap, Paris, Ifrath, pp. 77--82 (Handicap 2020). pdf

89- Cost-Based Budget Active Learning for Deep Learning, P. Gikunda and N. Jouandeau,
9th European Starting AI Researchers' Symposium , Spain, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp. 1--7 (STAIRS-2020). pdf

88- Budget Active Learning For Deep Networks, P. Gikunda and N. Jouandeau,
Intelligent Systems Conference 2020, Amsterdam, Springer AISC, pp. 1--16 (IntelliSys-2020). pdf

87- Exploiting Game Decompositions in Monte Carlo Tree Search, A. Hufschmitt, JN. Vittaut and N. Jouandeau,
16th Advances in Computer Games Conference, pp. 1--12 (ACG-2019). pdf

86- Recherche Monte Carlo multi-arbres pour l'exploitation des jeux décomposés, A. Hufschmitt, JN. Vittaut and N. Jouandeau,
Journées d'Intelligence Artificielle Fondamentale, pp. 1--9 (JIAF-2019). pdf

85- State-Of-The-Art Convolutional Neural Networks for Smart Farms: A Review, P. Gikunda and N. Jouandeau,
Science and Information Conference, pp. 1--13, AISC-Springer (SAI-2019). pdf

84- Swarm intelligence-based algorithms within IoT-based systems: A review, O. Zedadra, A. Guerrieri, N. Jouandeau, G. Spezzano, H. Seridi and G. Fortino,
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, pp. 1--15 (JPDC-2018). pdf

83- Confidence in Random Forest for Performance Optimization, K. Senagi, N. Jouandeau,
Thirty-eighth SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, LNCS-Springer, Cambridge, pp. 372--386 (AI-XXXV). pdf

82- A Non-Deterministic Strategy for Searching Optimal Number of Trees Hyperparameter in Random Forest, K. Senagi, N. Jouandeau,
Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, Poznan, pp. 1--8 (FedCSIS-2018). pdf

81- Statistical ggp games decomposition, A. Hufschmitt, JN. Vittaut and N. Jouandeau,
IJCAI-18 Workshop on Computer Games, pp. 1--19 (IJCAI-CGW2018). pdf

80- Decomposition des jeux pour le general game playing, A. Hufschmitt, JN. Vittaut and N. Jouandeau,
12emes Journees de l'Intelligence Artificielle Fondamentale, Amiens, pp. 1--10 (JIAF-2018). pdf

79- Levy walk-based search strategy: Application to destructive foraging, O. Zedadra, M. Idiri, N. Jouandeau, H. Seridi and G. Fortino,
IEEE International Symposium on Programming and Systems, pp. 1--5 (ISPS-2018). pdf

78- Hybrid Force-Position Control with a Soft Force Sensor, J.L. Ramirez, A. Rubiano and N. Jouandeau
Workshop on Advanced Fabrication and Morphological Computation for Soft Robotics, Poster session, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2017).

77- Integrating Softness inside Robotic Prosthesis, J.L. Ramirez, A. Rubiano, N. Jouandeau, L. Gallimard, and O. Polit
Workshop on Advanced Fabrication and Morphological Computation for Soft Robotics, Poster session, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2017).

76- Machine Learning Algorithms for Soil Analysis and Crop Production Optimization: A review, K. Senagi, N. Jouandeau, P. Kamoni
International Conference on Mass Data Analysis of Images and Signals, pp. 1--15 (MDA 2017). pdf

75- Using Parallel Random Forest Classffier in Predicting Land Suitability for Crop Production, K. Senagi, N. Jouandeau, P. Kamoni
Journal of Agricultural Informatics, pp. 1--7, ISSN: 2061-862X (JAI-2017). pdf

74- Towards a Reference Architecture for Swarm Intelligence-based Internet of Things, O. Zedadra, C. Savaglio, N. Jouandeau, A. Guerrieri, H. Seridi, and G. Fortino
International Conference on Internet and Distributed Computing Systems, pp. 1--11 (ICDS 2017). pdf

73- Machine Learning Algorithms Applied to Soil Analysis for Crop Production Optimization in Precision Farming, K. Senagi, N. Jouandeau, P. Kamoni
EFITA WCCA Congress, European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment, pp. 1--2 (EFITA 2017).

72- Multi-Agent Foraging: state-of-the-art and research challenges, O. Zedadra, N. Jouandeau, H. Seridi, and G. Fortino,
Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling, pp. 1--24, 5:3, ISSN: 2194-3206 (Springer 2017). pdf

71- Chaine articulee pour une prothese robotique comprenant une jonction souple, A. Rubiano, J. Ramirez, L. Gallimard, O. Polit et N. Jouandeau,
brevet num 1656673 (juillet 2016).

70- Chaine articulee comprenant un unique actionneur et ensemble de chaines articulees associees, A. Rubiano, J. Ramirez, L. Gallimard, O. Polit et N. Jouandeau,
brevet num 1656914 (juillet 2016).

69- Capteur tactile capable de retranscrire le toucher, A. Rubiano, J. Ramirez, L. Gallimard, O. Polit et N. Jouandeau,
brevet num 1655991 (juin 2016).

68- Exploring unknown environments with multi-modal locomotion swarm, O. Zedadra, N. Jouandeau, H. Seridi, and G. Fortino,
10th Internationnal Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing, pp. 1--8 (IDC 2016). pdf

67- A Cooperative Switching Algorithm for Multi-Agent Foraging, O. Zedadra, H. Seridi, N. Jouandeau and G. Fortino,
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, pp. 1--18, 2016 (EAAI-Elsevier). pdf

66- Optimal Player Information MCTS applied to Chinese Dark Chess, N. Jouandeau,
20th annual IEEE Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, pp. 1--7 (TAAI 2015). pdf

65- Morphological optimization of a soft finger mechanism using a black box optimizer, J. Ramirez, A. Rubiano, N. Jouandeau, O. Polit and L. Gallimard,
International Conference on Design, Modelling and Experiments of Advanced Structures and Systems, pp. 1--2, 2015 (DeMEASS V). pdf

64- Human upper limb motion estimation based on electromyography signals, A. Rubiano, J. Ramirez, N. Jouandeau, M. N. El Korso, O. Polit and L. Gallimard,
International Conference on Design, Modelling and Experiments of Advanced Structures and Systems, pp. 1--2, 2015 (DeMEASS V). pdf

63- An Energy-Aware Algorithm For Large Scale Foraging Systems, O. Zedadra, H. Seridi, N. Jouandeau and G. Fortino,
Journal of Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 449--466 (SCPE-2015). pdf

62- Energy Expenditure in Multi-Agent Foraging: An Empirical Analysis, O. Zedadra, H. Seridi, N. Jouandeau and G. Fortino,
Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, pp. 1--7 (FEDCSIS-MAS&S'15). pdf

61- Elbow Flexion And Extension Identification Using Surface Electromyography Signals, A. Rubiano, J. L. Ramirez, M. N. El Korso, N. Jouandeau, L. Gallimard and O. Polit,
23th European Signal Processing Conference, pp. 1--5, Springer (EUSIPCO 2015). pdf

60- Hybrid kinematic model applied to the under-actuated robotic hand Prosthesis ProMain-I and experimental evaluation, J. Ramirez, A. Rubiano, N. Jouandeau, M. N. El Korso, L. Gallimard and O. Polit,
14th IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference in reabilitation robotics, pp. 1--6 (ICORR 2015). pdf

59- Morphological optimization of prosthesis' finger for precision grasping of little objects, J. Ramirez, A. Rubiano, N. Jouandeau, L. Gallimard and O. Polit,
4th International workshop in medical and service robots, pp. 1--14, Springer (MESROB 2015). pdf

58- Requirements for artificial muscles to design robotic fingers, J. Ramirez, A. Rubiano, N. Jouandeau, L. Gallimard and O. Polit,
The ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, pp. 1--15, Springer (SMART2015). pdf

57- Best Feature Selection and Classification For Elbow Flexion And Extension Movements, A. Rubiano, J. L. Ramirez, M. N. El Korso, L. Gallimard, N. Jouandeau and O. Polit,
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, pp. 1--6, IOPscience (JPCS 2015). pdf

56- Fuzzy Contrast Improvement for Low Altitude Aerial Images, L. Nderu, N. Jouandeau and H. Akdag,
28th AIII International FLorida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, pp. 1--4 (FLAIRS-28). pdf

55- Design and Analysis of Cooperative and Non Cooperative Stigmergy-based Models for Foraging, O. Zedadra, N. Jouandeau, H. Seridi and G. Fortino,
19th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, pp. 1--6 (CSCWD 2015). pdf

54- A Distributed Foraging Algorithm Based on Artificial Potential Field, O. Zedadra, N. Jouandeau, H. Seridi and G. Fortino,
12th IEEE International Symposium on Programming and Systems, pp. 1--6 (ISPS 2015). pdf

53- My Habilitation thesis (in French): "Contributions de la robotique mobile, humanoïde, multi-robots aux jeux à information incomplète",
Université Paris8, LIASD, pp. 1--122. pdf

52- Monte-Carlo Tree Reductions for Stochastic Games, N. Jouandeau and T. Cazenave,
19th annual Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Springer LNCS Vol. 8916, ISBN 978-3-319-13986-9, pp. 228--238 (TAAI 2014). pdf

51- Enhancing Humanoïds‚ Walking Skills through Morphogenesis Evolution Method, N. Jouandeau and V. Hugel,
International Conference on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots, Springer LNCS ISBN 978-3-319-11899-4, pp. 412--423 (SIMPAR 2014). pdf

50- A Decentralized Ant Colony Foraging Model Using Only Stigmergic Communication, G. Fortino, O. Zedadra, N. Jouandeau and H. Seridi,
XV Workshop "Dagli Oggetti agli Agenti", ISNN 1613-0073, pp. 1--5 (WOA-2014). pdf

49- Small and large MCTS playouts applied to Chinese Dark Chess stochastic game, N. Jouandeau and T. Cazenave,
ECAI Computer Games Workshop 2014, Springer CCIS Vol 504, pp. 78--90 (CGW-2014). pdf

48- Analytical Solution for Joint Coupling in NAO Humanoïd Hips, V. Hugel and N. Jouandeau,
18th annual RoboCup International Symposium 2014, pp. 34--46, Springer (RCUP-2014). pdf

47- Humanoïd Soccer Optimization, N. Jouandeau, V. Hugel and T. Da Costa,
2D-3D Free Challenge, In Robocup 3D Soccer Simulation League 2014, pp. 1--2, Springer (RCUP-2014).

46- 3DSSL Team Description Paper, N. Jouandeau and V. Hugel,
Robocup 3D Soccer Simulation League 2014, pp. 1--4, Springer (RCUP-2014). pdf

45- Varying Complexity in CHINESE DARK CHESS Stochastic Game, N. Jouandeau,
International Taiwan Computer Game Association Computer Game Workshop, pp. 1--4 (TCGA2014). pdf

44- Optimization of Parametrised Kicking Motion for Humanoïd Soccer Player, N. Jouandeau and V. Hugel,
IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, pp. 241--246 (ICARSC2014). pdf

43- Stigmergic MASA: A Stigmergy Based Algorithm for Multi-Target Search, O. Zedadra, N. Jouandeau, H. Seridi and G. Fortino,
5th International Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems and Collaborative Technologies, ISBN 978-83-60810-58-3, pp. 1477--1485 (I-MASC2014). pdf

42- Importance of the neutral category in fuzzy clustering of sentiments, L. Nderu, N. Jouandeau and H. Akdag,
International Journal of Fuzzy Logic Systems, Vol.4, No.2, ISSN 1839-6283, pp. 1--6 (IJFLS2014). pdf

41- Collaborative Foraging Using a new Pheromone and Behavioral Model, O. Zedadra, N. Jouandeau and H. Seridi,
International Symposium on Informatics and its Applications, pp. 1--5 (ISIA2014). pdf

40- Towards Universal Rating of Online multimedia content, L. Nderu, N. Jouandeau and H. Akdag,
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Applications, AIRCC Digital Library, Computer Science Conference Proceedings, ISSN 2231-5403, pp. 1--6 (ARIA2014).pdf

39- A survey and analysis of multi-robot coordination, Z. Yan, N. Jouandeau and A. Ali Cherif,
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, ISSN 1729-8806, Vol 10, pp. 1--18, 2013. pdf

38- Retinal Vessel Segmentation Based on Adaptive Random Sampling, N. Jouandeau, Z. Yan, P. Greussay, B. Zou and Y. Xiang,
Journal of Medical and Bioengineering, ISSN 2301-3796, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 199--202 (JOMB 2014). pdf

37- Simultaneous evolution of leg morphology and walking skills to build the best humanoïd walker, N. Jouandeau and V. Hugel,
IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoïd Robots 2013, 8th Workshop on Humanoïd Soccer Robots, pp. 1--6 (HSR2013). pdf

36- Material Symmetry to Partition Endgame Tables, A. Saffidine, N. Jouandeau, C. Buron and T. Cazenave,
Computers and Games 2013, Springer LNCS ISBN 978-3-319-09164-8, pp. 187--198 (CG2013). pdf

35- Sampling-based Multi-robot Motion Planning, Z. Yan, N. Jouandeau and A. Ali Cherif,
IVC&ITS 2013 (Special Session on Intelligent Vehicle Controls & Intelligent Transportation Systems), 10th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, SciTePress ISBN 978-989-8565-70-9, pp. 549--554 (ICINCO 2013). pdf

34- Automatic generation of humanoïd s geometric model parameters, V. Hugel and N. Jouandeau,
17th annual RoboCup International Symposium 2013, Springer LNCS ISBN 978-3-662-44467-2, pp. 408--419 (RCUP-2013). pdf

33- 3DSSL Team Description Paper, N. Jouandeau, V. Hugel and T. Da Costa,
Robocup 3D Soccer Simulation League 2013, pp. 1--5, Springer (RCUP-2013). pdf

32- From Low Level to High Level Humanoïd‚s Behaviors, N. Jouandeau, V. Hugel and T. Da Costa,
3DSSL Open Challenge, In Robocup 3D Soccer Simulation League 2013, pp. 1, Springer (RCUP-2013). pdf

31- Cooperative c-Marking Agents for the Foraging Problem, O. Zedadra, H. Seridi and N. Jouandeau,
4th International Conference on Advances in System Simulation, pp. 1--6 (SIMUL 2012). pdf

30- Walking Patterns for Real Time Path Planning Simulation of Humanoïds, V. Hugel and N. Jouandeau,
21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, ISBN 978-1-4673-4604-7, pp. 424--430 (IEEE RO-MAN 2012). pdf

29- On the problem of task planning in multi-robot systems, Z. Yan, N. Jouandeau and A. Ali Cherif,
9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, SciTePress ISBN 978-989-8565-22-8, pp. 423--426 (ICINCO 2012). pdf

28- Towards a probabilistic roadmap for multi-robot coordination, Z. Yan, N. Jouandeau and A. Ali Cherif,
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 1--7 (ICAI 2012). pdf

27- SPL Team Description Paper, V. Hugel, F. Blanes Noguera, N. Jouandeau, J. Jose Alcaraz Jimenez and H. Martinez Barbera,
Robocup Standard Plateform League 2012, pp. 1--4, Springer (RCUP-2012). pdf

26- L3M-SIM Team Description Paper, N. Jouandeau and V. Hugel,
Robocup 3D Soccer Simulation League 2012, pp. 1--4, Springer (RCUP-2012). pdf

25- ACS-PRM: Adaptive Cross Sampling Based Probabilistic Roadmap for Multi-robot Motion Planning, Z. Yan and N. Jouandeau,
12th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Springer AISC ISBN 978-3-642-33925-7, pp. 843--851 (IAS-12). pdf

24- Multi-robot Heuristic Goods Transportation, Z. Yan, N. Jouandeau and A. AliCherif,
IS‚12, 6th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems, ISBN 978-1-4673-2276-8, pp. 409--414 (IS-2012). pdf

23- Decentralized Waypoint-based Multi-robot Coordination, N. Jouandeau and Z. Yan,
International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems, pp. 1--4 (IEEE-CYBER 2012). pdf

22- Solving Breakthrough with Race Patterns and Job-Level Proof Number Search, A. Saffidine, N. Jouandeau and T. Cazenave,
Advanced Computer Games 2011, Springer LNCS ISBN 978-3-642-31865-8, pp. 196--207 (ACG-2011). pdf

21- Improved Trade-based multi-robot coordination, N. Jouandeau and Z. Yan,
6th IEEE Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference, ISBN 978-1-4244-8622-9, pp. 1--4 (ITAIC 2011). pdf

20- SPL Team Description Paper, V. Hugel, F. Blanes Noguera, N. Jouandeau, J. Jose Alcaraz Jimenez, H. Martinez Barbera, Z. Y. Bayraktaroglu and P. Boyraz,
Robocup Standard Plateform League 2011, pp. 1--4, Springer (RCUP-2011). pdf

19- L3M-SIM Team Description Paper, Z. Yan, N. Jouandeau and V. Hugel,
Robocup 3D Soccer Simulation League 2011, pp. 1--4, Springer (RCUP-2011). pdf

18- Multi-Robot Decentralized Exploration Using a Trade-Based Approach, Z. Yan, N. Jouandeau and A. Ali Cherif,
8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, SciTePress 2011 ISBN 978-989-8425-75-1, pp. 99--105 (ICINCO 2011). pdf

17- L3M Joint Team report, Participation in the 2010 RoboCup SPL League, V. Hugel and N. Jouandeau, Annual Team Report, Robocup 2010, pp. 1--23 (RCUP-2010). pdf

16- French-Spanish L3M SPL Team Description, V. Hugel, H. Martinez Barbera, N. Jouandeau and F. Blanes Noguera,
Robocup Standard Plateform League 2010, pp. 1--4, Springer (RCUP-2010). pdf

15- Sampling-Based Multi-Robot Exploration, Z. Yan, N. Jouandeau and A. Ali Cherif,
ISR/ROBOTIK 2010 Conference, VDE Verlag ISBN 978-3-8007-3273-9, pp. 1--6 (ISR-2010). pdf

14- Towards deadlock free Sokoban, T. Cazenave and N. Jouandeau,
Board Game Studies XIIIth Colloquium, pp. 1--12 (BGA-2010). pdf

13- L3M Joint Team report, Participation in the 2009 RoboCup SPL League, V. Hugel and N. Jouandeau,
Annual Team Report, (RCUP-2009).

12- From Color Groups to Scence Interpretation, N. Jouandeau, P. Bonnin, V. Hugel and P. Blazevic,
Workshop of Humanoïd Soccer Robots, pp. 1--7, IEEE (WHSR-2009). pdf

11- Les Trois Mousquetaires Team Description, V. Hugel and N. Jouandeau,
Robocup Standard Plateform League 2009, pp. 1--4, Springer (RCUP-2009).

10- Parallel Nested Monte-Carlo Search, T. Cazenave and N. Jouandeau,
12th International Workshop on Nature Inspired Distributed Computing, IEEE 2009, pp. 1--6 (NIDISC-2009). pdf

9- Incremental Motion Planning With Las Vegas Algorithms, N. Jouandeau, Y. Touati and A. AliCherif,
book chapter, New Developments in Robotics Automation and Control, ISBN 978-953-7619-20-6, pp. 1--14. pdf

8- A Parallel Monte-Carlo Tree Search Algorithm, T. Cazenave and N. Jouandeau,
Conference on Computers and Games, Springer LNCS ISBN 978-3-540-87607-6, pp. 72--80 (CG-2008). pdf

7- On the Parallelization of UCT, T. Cazenave and N. Jouandeau,
Computer Games Workshop, pp. 1--9, Springer LNCS(CGW-2007). pdf

6- Rapidly Exploring Sorted Random Tree, a self adaptive random motion planning algorithm, N. Jouandeau,
Springer LNEE, Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, vol 24, pp. 63--73.

5- RSRT: Rapidly Exploring Sorted Random Tree, N. Jouandeau,
4th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, INSTICC Press ISBN 978-972-8865-82-5, pp. 100--107 (ICINCO-2007). pdf

4- My thesis (in French), Algorithmique de la planification de mouvement probabiliste pour un robot mobile,
 Université Paris 8, 2004, pp. 1--155. pdf

3- Fast Approximation To Gaussian Obstacle Sampling For Randomized Motion Planning, N. Jouandeau and A. AliCherif,
5th Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, pp. 1--6 (IAV-2004). pdf

2- Planification de trajectoires par visibilité et échantillonnage, N. Jouandeau,
MAnifestation des JEunes Chercheurs STIC, pp. 1--4 (MAJECSTIC-2003).

1- An Efficient Environmental Motion Planning Strategy, N. Jouandeau and A. AliCherif,
35th International Symposium on Robotics, pp. 1--6 (ISR-2002).

Legal mentions: Notice for IEEE-copyrighted material : IEEE gives the right to post personal articles, provided that the server displays the following notice : "This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder."

Current Phd Student :

12- Daniel Ruiru, Solving Resource Allocation Problems with Deep Reinforcement Learning, codirection D. Owuor.
11- Florent Giauna, Interprétation géométrique du transfert d’apprentissage et applications en télédétections, codirection L. Falissard.
10- Marina Seghier, Explicabilité des modèles de TAL par les ressources : caractérisation de la variation textuelle et paradigme d'évaluation systématique, codirection A. Millour.
9- Stephen Obonyo, Bioinformatic computation with tree search and learning, codirection D. Owuor.

Past Phd Student :

8- Jean-Pascal Palus, Dynamique et évolution de la confiance : explication et formalisation de la mésinformation (contrat doctoral interrompu), codirection A.R. d'Allonnes.
7- Patrick Gikunda, Apprentissage actif et par transfer de modèles de prévision de précipitations, Université Paris 8, novembre 2021.
6- Nicolas Loew, Assistant Visuel Intelligent par Realite Mixte (CIFRE interrompue), codirection F. Belhadj.
5- Kennedy Senagi, Parallelisation et hyperparametrisation d'arbres de decision, Université Paris 8, octobre 2019.
4- Aline Hufschmitt, Décomposition des jeux dans le domaine du General Game Playing, codirection J.N. Vittaut, Université Paris 8, novembre 2018.
3- Jean-Noël Vittaut, LeJoueur : un programme de General Game Playing pour les jeux à information incomplète et/ou imparfaite , Université Paris 8, décembre 2017.
2- Lawrence Nderu, Motifs de logique floue pour l'analyse des sentiments et le contraste des images, Université Paris 8, décembre 2015.
1- Zhi Yan, Contributions à la coordination de tâches et de mouvements pour un système multi-robots , Université Paris 8, décembre 2012.

Personnal Debian tips :

acroread install:
 deb lenny main
 deb-src lenny main
 apt-get update
 apt-get install debian-multimedia-keyring
 apt-get install acroread

laptop screen tune:
 [OBSOLETE] apt-get install 915resolution

 apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel

latex install:
 apt-get install tetex-bin tetex-extra latex-ucs latex-beamer

solving "NO_PUBKEY 010908312D230C5F .... after "apt-get update"
 gpg --keyserver --recv-key  010908312D230C5F
 gpg -a --export 010908312D230C5F | sudo apt-key add -

nopasswd login at IP
  ssh-keygen -t rsa
  ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/id_rsa LOGIN@IP

customize emacs
 apt-get install emacs-goodies-el
 echo "(require 'color-theme)" >> .emacs

add ppa package
 add-apt-repository ppa:thjc/ppa
 apt-get update

perl module install
 sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'shell'/ppa
 install MODULE_NAME

Personnal MacOs tips :

 export PATH=/Users/n/Library/Python/3.10/bin:$PATH
 export PYTHONPATH=/Users/n/Library/Python/3.9/lib/python/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH

find . -name ".DS_Store" -exec rm {} \;
find . -name "._*" -exec rm {} \;

tar cvzf --no-xattrs --exclude DIR/.* -f FILENAME.tgz DIR

install/update pip:
 sudo port install pip
 sudo port select --set pip3 pip311

 sudo port select --set python python312
 sudo port select --set python3 python312

To use this OpenMP library:
 For clang-3.8+, or clang-3.7 with +openmp variant:
  add "-fopenmp" during compilation / linking.
 For clang-3.7 without +openmp variant, use:
  "-I/opt/local/include/libomp -L/opt/local/lib/libomp -fopenmp"

install python3 packages:
 pip3 install tensorflow-macos
 pip3 install tensorflow-metal
 pip3 install matplotlib

some port commands:
 port content ...
 port echo leaves
 sudo port uninstall leaves
 sudo port install libgcc-devel

term commands:
 new tab : Cmd t
 close tab : Cmd w
 next tab : Ctrl Tab
 prev tab : Ctrl Shift Tab

Personnal Ubuntu 22 tips :

conda install:
 source anaconda3/bin/activate
 conda init
 conda create -n test-gpu
 conda activate test-gpu
 conda install -c "nvidia/label/cuda-12.1.1" cuda -y

nvidia A40 drivers install:
 chmod a+x
 sudo ./
 \-\-\-\> nvidia-smi
 \-\-\-\> lspci | grep nvidia

Personnal MPI tips :

export PMIX_MCA_pcompress_base_silence_warning=1